LifeHouse Church, 9 Western Avenue, Westmeadows

Here you will find information about LifeHouse Church: Contact information, reviews, working times, website, photos, videos, phone number, fax number, contact person, email, social media profiles, address, map, directions.

LifeHouse Church is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Place of worship   Church  


+61 1300 720 470

9 Western Avenue, Westmeadows, Victoria 3049

Establishment   Place of worship   Church  

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Opening Hours

Sunday 09:00 — 13:00
Tuesday 09:30 — 16:00
Wednesday 09:30 — 16:00
Thursday: 09:30 — 16:00
Friday 09:30 — 16:00


  • Michael Coppa
    ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
    Great place. Great atmosphere and great worship music. But just like any other megachurches, it feels as if there are too many 'Christians' who put themselves first before Jesus and only use His love to boost their own egos and self-esteem. In other words, it seemed that a lot of them were 'up themselves'. I felt like I was being judged harshly for unknown reasons, especially by women. It could possibly be my looks. Also I'm not an advocate of tithing. I think it's a Jewish custom under the old Covenant for the Jews and doesn't apply to Christians. We are told to give with joy, whatever our hearts desire to give.
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LifeHouse Church is based in Westmeadows. Full address is 9 Western Avenue. Australia postal code is 3049. We invite you to visit the official website of LifeHouse Church . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 1300 720 470 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of LifeHouse Church.
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